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Rich resources for maths thinking

Rich resources for maths thinking is a self-refection tool that you can download and use to cast a maths lens over your early setting. This is part of part of a suite of resources for Kōwhiti Whakapae maths practices and progressions. See 'Maths kaiako guide resources' below for more. 

A young child with other children playing outside around a water tub with toys.

Kaiako can complement and support their intentional maths teaching practices by paying careful attention to the resources available in their early learning setting and the opportunities these offer for early maths learning. Children learn though meaningful interactions with people, places and things, and these influence the learning that takes place.

As kaiako, you will have lots of great ideas for setting up your environment already. You can use this resource to further explore and reflect on what is available in your setting to support maths learning and think about what else might be valuable to add.

In the examples we have emphasised natural resources, everyday objects, and reused and recycled materials. While there are many commercial products that support maths learning, creating rich maths learning opportunities does not have to be expensive. Collections of shells, leaves and pebbles of different shapes, colours and sizes, a range of cardboard boxes, tubes and other reusable objects provide interesting mathematical explorations. For example, exploration can be through sorting, classifying, comparing, pattern making, and counting. Real-world items and open-ended resources support mokopuna to make decisions, think creatively, use their own ideas, and hone their working theories. Always take care to select safe and suitable materials for young children so that they will not choke or hurt themselves.

Children live and learn within the maths of their culture. Consider:

  • How do the resources in your setting reflect the language(s) and cultures of the mokopuna and their whānau?
  • What images and patterns do you see?
  • What counting systems are used? In relation to maths, what waiata are sung, books read, stories told, games played?
  • Is there a range of resources that will engage and interest all mokopuna, taking into consideration gender, identity, language and culture?

Examples of resources that support mokopuna to explore space and measurement

Space and measurement include concepts and language about shape, size, location, distance, and spatial visualisation. Spatial thinking also involves recognising similarities and differences when shapes are moved (turned, flipped, slid) or enlarged, shrunk, and so on.

Below are some examples of resources that support mokopuna to explore space and measurement.

Resources to explore space can include:

  • Big and small spaces (blanket forts, boxes, tunnels, tents, whare, clear floor spaces, fields, playgrounds, bush), safe spaces for unrestricted movement
  • Exploring positional concepts and use directional language, such as under, through, over, up and down through tunnels, large cardboard boxes, ladders, planks, draped sheets, climbing structures, hula hoops, challenge courses, dancing/action songs (Going on a bear hunt, Jack in a box), games (for example, twister, ball games, string games)
  • Exploring, estimating and predicting space and distance (climbing, stepping/leaping off and between items, stepping-stones)
  • Gardening: spacing seeds, digging holes, planting, climbing trees
  • Exploring space in the arts (covering hands or objects in paint or gloop, position of objects in a painting or drawing, moving body and objects through space – for example., poi, rākau, interpretive or free dance, action songs, large- and small-scale painting or drawing.

What resources and activities do you have in your setting to explore space?

Intentional teaching prompt

Encourage mokopuna to have their own maths ideas. Thinking, wondering and predicting helps mokopuna to learn.

Download rich resources for
maths thinking reflection tool

See Materials that come with this resource at the end of the page to download:

  • Casting-a-maths-lens-over-your-setting-Rich-resources-for-maths-thinking-and-learning (pdf),

The Kōwhiti Whakapae suite of resources will give you further information to lay the groundwork to notice, recognise and respond to children’s progress in maths.

He aratohu pāngarau mō ngā rauemi ā ngā kaiako

About this resource

This resource is self-refection tool to help you cast a maths lens over your early setting. It provides intentional teaching prompts and highlights everyday resources in your setting that you use to highlight space and measurement, measurement, shape, number, and pattern and relationships with children. This is part of part of a suite of resources for Kōwhiti Whakapae maths practices and progressions. See 'Maths kaiako guide resources' above for more. 

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