Mana reo
Mana reo | Ko te whakatipuranga tēnei o te reo. Mā roto i tēnei ka tipu te mana tangata me te oranga nui.
Communication | The languages and symbols of children’s own and other cultures are promoted and protected.
In this section find resources to help you weave the mana reo | communication strand, goals and learning outcomes into your local curriculum, including te ao Māori interpretations of them:
- Mana reo | Through te reo Māori children’s identity, belonging, and wellbeing are enhanced.
- Communication | Children are strong and effective communicators.
Click on the link below to read the section of Te Whāriki that discusses the mana reo | communication strand:
Ngā hua mō Communication ( 0 ngā hua )
Kāre he rauemi i kitea mō tēnei kupu rapu