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Hangarau matihiko 

Digital technologies 

Learn about how kaiako can intentionally respond to and support tamariki use and understanding of hangarau matihiko (digital technologies). 


Kaiako and a child working together with a computer tablet

Māku e whatu, māu e tāniko.       

I will weave, you will fashion. 

Digital technologies are already part of children’s lives. A growing role of kaiako is to support children to understand and make the most of the technologies they encounter. This whakataukī refers to the role kaiako play in supporting and guiding tamariki to develop skills and understanding in this area. 

Digital technologies refer to technologies such as online resources, programmes, apps, and tools. For example, laptops, tablets, digital cameras, microscopes, and mobile phones. Some early learning services will often use apps for creating movies, recording outings and events, and practising digital skills.   

Digital learning is any type of learning that uses technology. It can happen anywhere and at any time. Not all digital learning supports the learning outcomes of Te Whāriki. Kaiako need to be critical and intentional in their use of digital technologies to ensure tamariki use them in healthy and safe ways. For example, the type and length of time tamariki use digital technologies and whether the app encourages creativity or skill and drill. 

Nurturing digital citizenship can support tamariki to confidently conduct themselves when connecting to people, resources, and information in real-world contexts here in Aotearoa New Zealand and across the wider global community. 

child in a home based service using a microphone

About this resource

This resource looks at what hangarau matihiko (digital technologies) is, why it matters, and what it looks like in practice. Along with this are other resource suggestions to explore.