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Valuing Samoan language, culture, identity, and faith 

Learn about promoting partnership in a full immersion Samoan language context. 

Father and son reading together

Key point

  • Promoting partnership – a full immersion context

Fetu Taʻiala Ā‘oga ‘Āmata is located in Mangere, Auckland, and is a full immersion Samoan language setting that caters for 36 children aged from under two years to school age. 

Their key priorities for children’s learning are to maintain the Samoan language, culture, and values (fa’a Sāmoa). These priorities were developed through discussions with parents and aiga who share their goals, aspirations, and expectations with teachers. 

Teaching practice supports children to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes linked to the setting’s priorities. Conversations are rich in Samoan language, helping children to become confident and capable in the language. Children are active and confident participants in activities that foster Samoan language, culture, and values. 

Teachers work together to ensure clear links are made between planning, assessment, and evaluation processes for individuals and groups of children. Assessment portfolios are a record of children’s learning and development and have a strong focus on next steps to improve outcomes for children. 

The curriculum is designed to promote a feeling of partnership and provide an environment that fosters the holistic development of all children. An emergent curriculum integrates children’s interests and play with the centre’s identified priorities for the children’s learning. 

Teachers plan weekly to extend children’s learning and follow a self-review process that includes planning the focus, gathering and documenting evidence, reflecting and evaluating, and revisiting to acknowledge improvements. 

Adapted from:

Education Review Office. (2013). Priorities for children's learning in early childhood services: Good practice. Wellington, New Zealand.

About this resource

A story of practice from Fetu Taʻiala Ā‘oga ‘Āmata about promoting partnership in a full immersion Samoan language context. 

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