Te Whatu Pōkeka - Kaupapa Māori Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars
Te whatu pōkeka is an assessment for learning resource with exemplars published in 2009 based on a Kaupapa Māori perspective and context. It was developed for assessment for learning with mokopuna Māori in Māori language early learning settings and has continuing value.
Te Whatu Pōkeka Kaupapa Māori Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars was published in 2009 to support kaiako with a Kaupapa Māori approach to assessment for learning with mokopuna Māori in Māori language early learning settings using the 1996 version of Te Whāriki.
The document Te Whatu Pōkeka was the outcome of a collaborative project in the 2000s between kaiako in Māori medium early learning settings, a working party of writers and academics and the Ministry of Education. While Te Whatu Pōkeka does not reflect the 2017 refresh of Te Whāriki or more recent Kauapapa Māori research, it provides an influential assessment for learning framework based on te ao Māori that is still helpful for early learning settings implementing Te Whāriki.
For more recent resources on assessment that reflect the 2017 update of Te Whāriki, see the following landing pages on Tāhūrangi:
See Materials that come with this resource at the end of this page to download:
- Te Whatu Pōkeka (English, text only) (.pdf)
- Te Whātu Pōkeka (Te reo Māori, text only) (.pdf)
- Te-Whatu-Pokeka-original-bilingual-book-with-images (.pdf).
About this resource
Te whatu pōkeka is an assessment for learning resource with exemplars published in 2009. It is grounded in te ao Māori and based on based on a Kaupapa Māori perspective and context to support kaiako with assessment for learning with mokopuna Māori in Māori language early learning settings. For more recent early learning assessment resources, see the following pages on Tāhūrangi: