Te whakatinanatanga o ngā mātāpono
Principles in action
He purapura i ruia mai i Rangiātea e kore e ngaro
A seed sown in Rangiātea will never be lost
The following principles | kaupapa whakahaere of Te Whāriki are the foundations of curriculum decision making and a guide for every aspect of pedagogy and practice in early learning:
- Whakamana | Empowerment
- Kotahitanga | Holistic development
- Whānau tangata | Family and community
- Ngā Honongā | Relationships
The resources in this section show the principles in action through the lenses of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, inclusive practice, identity, language and culture, infants and toddlers, and pathways and transitions.
Ngā hua mō Principles in action ( 0 ngā hua )
Kāre he rauemi i kitea mō tēnei kupu rapu