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Tamariki climate change curriculum resources

These resources support you to effectively integrate environmental education for sustainability across the curriculum, and strengthen the focus on hauora and wellbeing within the framework of Te Whāriki.

Two tamariki reading together on synthetic grass.

Image caption: What is the environment tamariki experience teaching them about a sustainable future?

Reliable resources

These resources support you to effectively integrate environmental education for sustainability across the curriculum, and strengthen the focus on hauora and wellbeing within the framework of Te Whāriki, upon which we stand. In doing so, we will naturally be educating for a climate changing future.

Website links with activities for tamariki

Kids Greening Taupo

Kids Greening Taupō have created the Online Nature Classroom to connect tamariki to nature and help them to understand the importance of biodiversity.

This website includes a range of resources for tamariki and educators based on climate change education.

The Circular Economy, a new way to design, make, and use things

This link is to an animation video on the website The kid should see this created by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Pukapuka (books)

See materials that come with this resource to download Climate change books to use with tamariki (.pdf).

About this resource

These resources support you to effectively integrate environmental education for sustainability across the curriculum, and strengthen the focus on hauora and wellbeing within the framework of Te Whāriki, upon which we stand. In doing so we will naturally be educating for a climate changing future.

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