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Videos for Te kōrerorero: Hei kōrerorero ki te kāinga!

Here are five videos that show oral language strategies you can use to help oral language development for young children in the home. This resource is part of the Talking together, Te kōrerorero suite of resources. See the resource carousel below for more.

Family sat on a couch reading a book together.

Serve and return

Reading and telling stories

Home languages

Word and sound play

Talking together

About this resource

Te Kōrerorero: Hei kōrerorero ki te kāinga (Talking Together, Learning in the Home) is a whānau companion resource to the Talking Together, Te Kōrerorero resource for kaiako. It provides practical and effective ways to foster oral language development in the home environment. Ths resource provides a series of five short, animated videos that illustrate key strategies for fostering oral language development in the home. See the resource carousel for more.