Learning to learn
Use this downloadable workshop to explore learning to learn on your own or with your team. It includes key points, a short video, team activities, and opportunities for personal reflection.
The 2017 edition of Te Whāriki has a strong emphasis on tamariki learning how to learn in a changing world. It takes account of the significant changes and challenges that have occurred since the 1996 edition of Te Whāriki in the way knowledge is viewed and gained – changes that reflect new knowledge about how the brain works and growing up in a fast changing, diverse, and globally connected world.
See the Materials that come with this resource to download Learning to learn - downloadable workshop (.pdf). You can make a copy of the slides if you wish to edit them for your team.
It includes key points, a short video, team activities, and opportunities for personal reflection.
Tips for using the downloadable workshop
The best way to view the workshop is to enlarge the slideshow by selecting the full screen icon at the bottom of the tool bar.
Use the forward and back arrows to move through the workshop at your own pace.
You can download the workshop and adapt it for your own use, but you must respect copyright, especially of the images and video.
Professional learning
The workshops are best used in a group, in which you can consider and discuss the content and questions.
The workshops focus in on a specific aspect of Te Whāriki and are designed to help kaiako deepen their understanding and practical application of the curriculum.
They offer a brief overview or short introduction.
You may choose to use the workshops in facilitated sessions and in specific ways for your context. For example, you might:
- work together on a complete workshop in a team meeting or professional development session
- select parts of a workshop to spend more time on, completing it over a number of sessions
- select parts of a workshop to revisit and explore in greater depth.
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About this resource
Te Whāriki has a strong emphasis on tamariki learning how to learn in a changing world. Download the presentation to explore learning to learn on your own or with your team. It includes key points, a short video, team activities, and opportunities for personal reflection.