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Mana Atua | Wellbeing

Strand 1

This section is from pages 26–30 of Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early childhood curriculum. This resource is part of the “Te Whāriki strands and principles” set. See the resource carousel below for more. 

Child playing outside jumping

Ko tēnei te whakatipuranga o te tamaiti i roto i tōna oranga nui, i runga hoki i tōna mana motuhake, mana atuatanga. 

The health and wellbeing of the child are protected and nurtured.

All children have the right to have their health and wellbeing promoted and to be protected from harm. They also have a right to experience affection, warmth and consistent care. 

Kaiako should have an understanding of Māori approaches to health and wellbeing and how these are applied in practice. Models such as Te Whare Tapa Whā emphasise the importance of te taha wairua to holistic wellbeing. 

Protecting and nurturing health and wellbeing includes paying attention to aspects of physical care, such as healthy eating and nutrition and opportunities for physical activity. Safe, stable and responsive environments support the development of self-worth, identity, confidence and enjoyment, together with emotional regulation and self-control. 

Children need consistency and continuity, especially at times of transition. A foundation of remembered and anticipated people, places, things and experiences will give them the confidence to engage successfully in new settings. 

For children, wellbeing is a multifaceted concept that encompasses the child, parent, ‘aiga and wider relationships. It is important that kaiako are sensitive to the different ways that the diverse families represented in their setting may understand and seek to promote wellbeing. 

  • Mana atua | Ko tēnei te whakatipuranga o te tamaiti i roto i tōna oranga nui, i runga hoki i tōna mana motuhake, mana atuatanga | Mokopuna understand their own mana atuatanga – uniqueness and spiritual connectedness. 
  • Wellbeing | Children have a sense of wellbeing and resilience 


Children experience an environment where: 


Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of: 


These outcomes will be observed as learning in progress when, for example, children demonstrate: 

Their health is promoted 

Te oranga nui | Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves

  • Understanding of their bodies and how they function and how to keep themselves healthy. 
  • Respect for tapu as it relates to themselves and others. 
  • Confidence, independence, and a positive attitude towards self-help and self-care skills relating to food preparation, healthy eating and drinking, hygiene, toileting, resting, sleeping, washing and dressing. 
  • An awareness of hauora and healthy lifestyles. 

Their emotional wellbeing is nurtured 

Te whakahua whakaaro | Managing themselves and expressing their feelings and needs

  • A sense of personal worth and cultural identity and the ability to make choices, focus attention, maintain concentration and be involved. 
  • An ability to express emotional needs and ask for attention and to trust that their needs will be met. 

They are kept safe from harm 

Te noho haumaru | Keeping themselves and others safe from harm

  • Capacity for self-regulation and resilience in the face of challenges. 
  • Capacity for tolerating and enjoying a moderate degree of change, surprise, uncertainty and puzzlement. 
  • Knowledge about how to keep themselves safe from harm and the ability to take risks. 
  • A sense of responsibility for their own wellbeing and that of others. 
  • Respect for tikanga and rules about not harming others and the environment and an understanding of the reasons for such rules. 

See Materials that come with this resource to download Te Whāriki Early childhood curriculum: Mana atua | Wellbeing – Strand 1 (.pdf).

Examples of practices that promote these learning outcomes

Kaiako respect Māori beliefs by carrying out everyday caregiving practices in line with cultural protocols. For example, they uphold the concept of tapu and noa by separating soiled personal items from kitchen laundry. 

Kaiako develop their own knowledge of te reo Māori, tikanga Māori and Māori world views so that they are better able to support children to understand their own mana atuatanga. 

Kaiako facilitate tuakana–teina relationships and ensure that mokopuna have opportunities to manaaki and take responsibility for others. Kaiako trust mokopuna to manage these relationships and to indicate when they need support. 

Young child smiling
  • Comfortable, quiet spaces and opportunities for rest and sleep are provided, with some flexibility around routines. 
  • Young children have opportunities for independence, choice and autonomy, and they learn self-care skills. 
  • Plenty of time is given for children to practise their developing self-help and self-care skills when eating, drinking, toileting, resting, washing and dressing. 
  • Children are assisted in ways that support independence and competence and do not engender shame or embarrassment. 
  • Although young children are increasingly able to wait for attention, they can be confident of ready responses to indications of hunger, pain and fatigue. 
  • Children are supported to express, articulate and resolve a range of emotions. 
  • The programme is stimulating and provides a balance between events and experiences that are predictable and those that provide moderate levels of surprise and uncertainty. 
  • Kaiako help young children to understand appropriate behaviour and how to protect themselves and others from harm. 
  • Kaiako support young children to respond to challenge, take risks, and undertake new endeavours. 
  • Young children have opportunities to participate in energetic physical activity.

About this resource

This section from pages 26–30 of Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early childhood curriculum discusses the Wellbeing | Mana atua strand, examples of practices that promote the learning outcomes under this strand for infants, toddlers and young children, and provides considerations for leadership, organisation and practice. This resource is part of the “Te Whāriki strands and principles” set. See the resource carousel for more.