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Strengthening infant and toddler practice

A story about creating effective learning environments in response to an internal evaluation. 

 A toddler standing up facing the camera

Observations at an infant and toddler centre formed part of an evaluation of kaiako practice with infants and toddlers. Kaiako found that interactions were inconsistent and often rushed, with minimal conversation. As well, they found that rigid routines and older children were sometimes interrupting the play of infants and toddlers.

The team explored Te Whāriki to investigate how they could guide practice and improve learning outcomes for children. In particular, kaiako aimed to build their understanding of how to provide a physical and emotional environment that supported infants and toddlers to learn and develop.

This investigation highlighted the need for kaiako to: 

  • allow more time and space to strengthen relationships between kaiako and infants and toddlers
  • provide a calm and positive learning environment
  • provide safe places for infants and toddlers to explore
  • ensure flexible and unhurried daily routines
  • strengthen communication between kaiako and whānau.

An improvement plan to address these points was put into place. The centre trialled a number of strategies and is working to refine them. Kaiako are now consulting with an early learning environment expert to identify ways to support the provision of a safe yet challenging learning environment for infants and toddlers. 

About this resource

Reflecting on the findings of an internal evaluation, kaiako changed the physical and emotional environment to more effectively support infants and toddlers to learn and develop. 

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