Kāhui Ako o te Kōhanga Moa
Inglewood Kindergarten
A story about a Kāhui Ako that decides to hold the child at the centre of decision-making.
Inglewood Kindergarten is a member of Kāhui Ako o te Kōhanga Moa – Inglewood Community of Learning. All early learning centres, primary schools, and the secondary school in the Inglewood area belong to the Kāhui Ako, along with the tertiary provider Western Institute of Technology (WITT). With a population of approximately 3,500, the community has a distinctly rural context.
A leadership team has been established, which includes members from each area of the education sector. The head teacher of Inglewood Kindergarten is part of this leadership group. This strategy of having representation in the leadership team from early childhood through to tertiary has ensured that decisions are formed with consideration of the diverse and varying strengths of each sector.
The Kāhui Ako hold the child at the centre of decision-making. We want children to know who they are, and where they come from, to stand tall and be confident, and to be young people who actively contribute to our society. As the achievement challenge plan has been created, Te Whāriki has been woven throughout. The achievement challenges include raising student achievement through:
- a shared pedagogy
- enhanced transitions
- fostering learning partnerships with whānau and iwi
- supporting ākonga with additional learning needs.
As the Kāhui Ako work together to meet the achievement challenge, the role of the early learning service representative in the leadership team is to ensure that Te Whāriki and its underpinning theories of how children learn are well considered by the wider group. Sharing this information helps to support the development of appropriate strategies to meet the achievement challenges.
For more information about Kāhui Ako o te Kōhanga, see Kāhui Ako o te Kōhanga Moa – Inglewood Community of Learning – Profile and Contact Details
About this resource
Having a leadership team that includes kaiako from each sector ensured Te Whāriki was used as a guiding document as the Kāhui Ako responded to achievement challenges.