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Planning communication strategies

A story about kaiako communicating in new ways.  

A kaiako working with a group of children doing actions

Three-year-old Poppy attends a Hastings kindergarten and uses a combination of signs, actions, and vocal sounds to communicate. With the support of her parents and a speech-language therapist, kaiako and children are learning about how Poppy sends messages, such as wanting to play or needing some help. 

The kaiako team plan the following ways to reduce Poppy’s frustrations and improve their communication with her: 

  • observing her to get to know her unique communication strategies 
  • being patient and giving her time to get her messages across 
  • supporting her communication with others by encouraging those who know her well to provide a voice for her when that is helpful 
  • giving her encouragement and feedback when she seeks attention from others in positive ways 
  • modelling for her ways of getting attention from kaiako and children, such as touching them on the arm, smiling, or pointing to something 
  • using visual communication aids, including pictures and homemade photo books.

(Adapted from He Māpuna te Tamaiti p.17)

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About this resource

In this story, kaiako plan intentional communication strategies to communicate with Poppy in new ways.

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